

3+3 J.D. 程序

澳门赌场在线娱乐 and 宾夕法尼亚州立大学法律 will allow exceptional Wilkes students to apply 申请加入J.D. 在宾夕法尼亚州立大学法学院学习,允许 for completion of both their bachelor’s and juris doctor degrees 六年内.

学生 accepted through this program may apply course credits from their first 一年 at 宾夕法尼亚州立大学法律 toward requirements for the Wilkes undergraduate degree, shortening 完成两个学位的时间.

学生 must meet the following criteria to apply for the 3+3 program:

  • 学生们必须澳门赌场在线娱乐读三年级.
  • 学生 must have completed all of Wilkes’ graduation, distribution, major and certification 申请时的要求.
  • 学生 must have completed 75 percent of the course credits required to earn an 澳门赌场在线娱乐本科学位.
  • 学生 must submit a Law School 入学 Test (LSAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE)成绩不超过5年. 需要一份正式的成绩报告.

学生 who meet the eligibility criteria must complete the 宾夕法尼亚州立大学法律 入学s application by March 31 of the student’s third 一年 of undergraduate studies. 潘 State retains final authority to admit students into its J.D. 学位课程. 学生 who meet eligibility criteria are not guaranteed admission.


用两个加速程序更快地达到你的目标 澳门赌场在线娱乐德雷塞尔大学托马斯. 克莱恩法学院

3+3速成学士.D. 程序

If you’re an exceptional student with plans 从事法律工作, you can apply to the J.D. program at Drexel’s 克莱恩法学院 during your junior 一年 at Wilkes. 这 accelerated program will allow you to complete both your bachelor’s and J.D. 在六个 年.

In what would have been your senior 一年 at Wilkes, you will be considered a full-time 克莱恩法学院的学生. 你当年的课程学分将被扣除 toward requirements for your Wilkes undergraduate degree, shortening the length of 是时候完成两个学位了.

To qualify for the Drexel/Wilkes 3+3, you must meet the following requirements:

  • 向克莱恩法学院提交一份完整的申请 不迟于三月一日 您计划就读的日历年.
  • 收到澳门赌场在线娱乐法律预科顾问的推荐信.
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐保持良好的学习成绩.
  • Remain in good social standing with a satisfactory student conduct record and no unresolved 纪律问题 at Wilkes or any other post-secondary institution.
  • Complete 90 credits and maintain a cumulative grade-point average that meets or exceeds the median GPA of the most recent incoming class at the 克莱恩法学院 (a student with a lower cumulative GPA may be considered, 但不会被自动录取).
  • Take the LSAT by the fall of the junior 一年 at Wilkes (you may take the LSAT more 比一次).
  • Achieve an LSAT score that meets or exceeds the median LSAT score for the most recent incoming class at the 克莱恩法学院 (a student with a lower LSAT may be considered, 但不会被自动录取).
  • Answer the criminal history disclosure question on the 克莱恩法学院 application (a prior criminal history does not necessarily disqualify you).
  • Comply with seat deposit and other deadlines established by the 克莱恩法学院.


Want a deeper understanding of legal issues to advance your career but don’t want 从事法律工作? 想想澳门赌场在线娱乐/德雷塞尔大学的托马斯·R. 克莱恩 School of Law 3+1 accelerated program leading to a master of legal studies degree.

After three 年 at Wilkes, qualified students enroll in the 克莱恩 School’s one-一年 MLS program, which provides a working knowledge of the law to enhance career opportunities in law enforcement, administration or management in a variety of settings. 你可以 take this 30-semester-credit program fully online or supplement with live courses.


  • 刑法
  • 网络安全和信息隐私
  • 金融法规遵从性
  • 医疗合规性法律
  • 药房和医疗设备法规遵从性
  • 高等教育合规
  • 人力资源合规
  • NCAA合规和体育法

In what would have been your senior 一年 at Wilkes, you will be considered a full-time 德雷克塞尔大学克莱恩法学院的学生. 你今年的课程学分将会是 applied toward requirements for your Wilkes undergraduate degree, shortening the length 有足够的时间完成这两个学位.

For the MLS 3+1 程序, you must meet the following requirements:

  • 向克莱恩法学院提交一份完整的申请 不迟于三月一日 您计划就读的日历年.
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐保持良好的学习成绩.
  • Remain in good social standing with a satisfactory student conduct record and no unresolved 纪律问题.
  • 累积平均绩点为3分.三年零学分(90学时).
  • Comply with seat deposit and other deadlines established by the 克莱恩法学院.

You are not required to take the Law School 入学 Test (LSAT) or Graduate Record 入学考试(GRE).


The 3+3 program with 澳门赌场在线娱乐 and 威得恩大学 Commonwealth School 法律专业会让你走上通往未来的快车道.

3+3速成学士.D. 程序

If you’re a high-achieving student with a commitment to a legal career, you can declare your intent to apply to Widener at the end of your first 一年 of college. 这加速 program will allow you to complete both your undergraduate degree and your juris doctor 六年内.

As long as you meet all eligibility requirements, during what would be your senior 澳门赌场在线娱乐学习一年,你将在怀德纳全日制学习. 最多可申请30个学分 towards the completion of your bachelor’s degree at Wilkes so you can get a head-start 你在法学院的经历.

Plus, if you earn a Law School 入学 Test (LSAT) score and a Wilkes GPA that meets or exceeds the median for Widener’s entering class from the prior 一年 and have no disqualifying issues, your admission to Widener will be guaranteed.

  • Submit written notification of your intent to participate in the program to the pre-law 在你一年级结束之前成为澳门赌场在线娱乐的顾问.
  • Create and follow a plan to complete all general education and major requirements (except those that will be fulfilled by a course at Widener) by the end of your junior 一年.
  • 保持累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.0.
  • Take the LSAT no later than February of your junior 一年, though you may take it earlier, 如果可能的话.
  • 应用 to Widener no later than March 31 of your junior 一年.
  • Maintain good academic and disciplinary standing at Wilkes and Widener at all times.


For more information on accelerated law programs, contact:

Dr. 凯尔·罗斯


(570) 408-4473