Office of Technology for Teaching and Learning

教学和学习技术办公室(OTTL)为教师提供支持 在任何与教学、技术、教学设计等相关的领域.

我们可以在您的面对面课程,在线和混合课程中与您合作,以充分发展 or just enhance your classes. We also provide professional development opportunities 对于全年的教职员工,也可以进行一对一的会议,请停止 by or make an appointment with any of our instructional designers. To learn more about the variety of services and support we offer, visit our About Us page.

otl还提供各种资源,包括工具、文章和 tutorials for the various systems and platforms we support. We host various events 全年以及与其他组织分享相关活动.

Remote and Online Teaching Resources

otl组织了各种资源来支持教师如何过渡 their face-to-face courses to the online environment. Resources include information 关于如何快速过渡到面对面课堂,教学策略,促进 online courses and much more! You can find recordings of past webinars for training 在特定的工具和学习如何访问自定进度,按需培训直接 from D2L. 我们还包括了提供毒品的外部团体的信息 我们鼓励您利用高质量的专业发展机会. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these resources. We will continue to add 根据需要对站点进行额外的资源和更新.

Visit the Online Teaching Contingency Planning Web Site

What's New?

TWT Wednesdays 2024

Attention faculty - we are proud to announce our Teaching With Technology Event 2024 to be held over a series of Wednesday mornings. Save these six dates for your personal and professional development: June 5, 12, 26 and July 10, 17, 24. Watch here and in Wilkes Today announcements for the full schedule.

有兴趣分享你在科技教学方面的经验? We are looking for presenters. 这是一个与同事合作的好机会 your classroom innovations. Plus, your colleagues are interested in hearing what you are doing!

Sessions will be scheduled Wednesday mornings from 9 AM to 12 PM. Presenters can indicate 他们对时段、格式和交付模式的偏好(Zoom网络研讨会或面对面). Details can be found on the online submission form. external website 我们鼓励演讲者创造性地思考他们的形式和内容 让参与者参与互动和有意义的学习体验.

提交截止日期为4月8日,演讲者将在5月中旬收到通知. 您必须登录您的Wilkes帐户才能访问上面链接的表格.

Semester Start Checklist

It's a new year and a new semester! Make sure your online course is updated and ready to launch with OTTL's Semester Start Checklist external website.

As always, email us at for further assistance.

D2L/LIVE Support

最新添加到我们的D2L/LIVE支持资源是“虚拟助手”可用 at the bottom-right of all LIVE pages. Enter your question and receive tips and links 浏览相关资源或与D2L的技术人员进行实时聊天. Phone support 亦可随时透过助理直接从D2L的终端用户支援处取得 Services. D2L支持代理将协助需要支持表演的教师和学生 在大学工作人员不在的情况下完成课程内的各种任务. Agents 是否能够引导最终用户完成解决问题的必要步骤 provide a training resource. Anytime you need assistance in D2L/LIVE and the University's 服务台已关闭,您可以使用此服务-包括夜间和周末.

请注意,D2L最终用户支持服务(EUSS)不能重置密码,所以如果 如果您在登录过程中遇到问题,您仍然需要联系Wilkes帮助台 their operating hours. In addition, EUSS will only have read-only access and will 无法在我们的课程平台上执行任何特定操作. They will only provide training and instruction on how to resolve issues. Some cases may be 如果超出了他们的范围,请转回大学寻求进一步的帮助 services or access.

Contact Us

Have questions? Need assistance? Visit us:

Max Roth Center
215 South Franklin Street, 3rd Floor
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706

Contact Our Staff

Outside of Wilkes University campus

About Us

教学和学习技术办公室致力于学生的成功 以及提高所有学生和教师的教学体验 通过透明的技术整合多种教学方式. 为了支持这一承诺,教学和技术办公室的使命 学习是为远程学习提供卓越的领导和支持,教学 设计服务,在使用技术方面的最佳实践,并不断寻求 for new and innovative uses for academic technology.

教与学技术办公室的愿景是成为一个积极的 中心为所有教师提供持续的合作和提高的机会 他们的知识和技能相关的学术有效和创新的使用 技术、指导和评估实践,以及提供机会 在课堂上合作和支持技术研究.


  • 在在线和技术增强教育中使用最佳实践.
  • Excellence in service.
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • 提高学生学习的研究型教学实践.
  • The process of continuous improvement.
  • Increased opportunities for students to access learning materials.
  • Increased access to available and accessible content.
  • Innovation in technology and education.

正如大学通往未来战略计划的门户所阐述的那样,距离 学习是支持实现许多关键目标的关键组成部分. 因此,教与学技术办公室提供重要的服务 并支持其校园选民的多种多样的需求.

我们相信科技是一种对大学运作至关重要的支持工具 environment. 在教育过程中,技术应该服务于特定的目的, not be added just to use the latest and greatest new tool. It should be efficient, effective and transparent. When integrated properly, technology effectively supports 教与学,评估,教师研究和社区伙伴关系 well as improves communication and collaboration. Technology provides additional pathways 为学生获取课程资料和学习机会,从而潜在地 接触到的学生比澳门赌场在线娱乐通过传统方式所能接触到的学生更多.