

信息披露政策 & 大学更新

澳门赌场在线娱乐 provides information to investors in the form of both covenanted 继续披露(张贴于 艾玛 外部网站 – the Electronic Municipal Market Access website maintained by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board) and voluntary disclosure of supplementary information of interest to investors, at times offered in the form of Frequently Asked Questions found below.

Information may also be obtained by reviewing the University’s current 债务政策 (.pdf) (最后更新于2022年10月)和 持续披露政策 (.pdf) (最后更新于2023年3月).

2021年11月22日,标准 & 普尔公司发布了一份新的大学评级报告.  在那份报告中,S&P解释其决定确认该大学的BBB-评级 (稳定的前景).

大学的现状 事实的书 是否也可以进行审查.

Questions not addressed through information obtained from 艾玛 or in the FAQs on this 网站可透过电邮发送至以下地址: investorinfo@jiasenyuan.com.  大学 makes every effort to respond to inquiries subject to the application 关于持续披露的政策.  答复可包括在附加的 本网站发布的常见问题解答.


大学 experienced a decline in undergraduate enrollment in the 2020-2021 受2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行影响. 本科招生 2021-2022年稳定,但2022-2023年下降. 研究生和第二学位 nursing enrollment have increased in the past two years as a result of the University’s 与Keypath Education合作.


As part of a comprehensive academic portfolio review, the 大学 identified five existing undergraduate programs and three graduate programs that were no longer feasible and is nearing completion of the teach-out for students enrolled in those programs. A few additional programs were identified for focused assessment of what changes need 为了让它们对学生更有吸引力. 这项工作现已完成 the on-going phase and will be part of the on-going process of programmatic review.

大学 has also launched new academic offerings in Civil Engineering and Cannabis 化学已经显示出学生的巨大需求.


大学 reported two years of operating surpluses in FY22 and FY21. 这些盈余 can be partially attributed to an increase in governmental funding through the Higher 教育紧急救济基金(HEERF). 大学收到了三轮 HEERF funding to offset the financial impact of COVID-19 for both students and the 大学. In total the University received and fully expended approximately $7.5M 在机构基金中超过三年. 这些资金用于抵销有关费用 to closing the campus in March 2020, reopening efforts, virus mitigation and lost 大流行带来的收入. 此外,该大学还收到5美元.900万美元的资金 直接提供给学生吗.

The recent surpluses follow two years of operating deficits in FY20 and FY19. 之前 years beginning with FY11 had produced consistent operating surpluses. 大学 has committed to budget conservative enrollment goals considering the changing demographics 影响着当前和未来的招生. 持续关注 on graduate programs, primarily graduate nursing, will assist the University in achieving 它的财务目标. 大学寻求其他收入来源,并承诺 管理开支.


大学’s cash position remains stable due to two years of operating surpluses 过去两年的资本支出最少. 大学维持 500万美元的经营信贷额度. 这种信用额度在过去是没有的 几年.


In recent months, the University has completed nearly $10 million dollars in capital 改善校园和周边地区概述如下.


大学 enhanced 斯塔克学习中心 with new classrooms, labs and collaboration spaces that will significantly enhance pharmacy facilities while continuing to produce graduates who are ready to meet the needs of 21st century health care. 这个项目 was partially funded through a $2 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program 由宾夕法尼亚州联邦提供资金.

Moveable seating, new projection technology, powered retractable screens, visual display boards and television monitors that can be seen from every corner of the rooms will usher in an enhanced era of cutting-edge teaching and scholarship, hands-on learning 和指导.


  • Seven new classrooms of varying sizes holding up to 24 to 90 students
  • Two new collaboration rooms capable of holding up to 12 individuals
  • One new Care Lab with six collaboration desks and 30 moveable seats
  • 一间可容纳20人的新会议室

此外,外部入口面向S. 河圣. 在史塔克的一楼 Learning Center have been enclosed with glass, beautifying the space inside and out 同时为学习和学术创造最好的环境.

Construction began during spring break 2022 and was substantially completed prior to the beginning of the fall 2022 semester, with completion of the project expected 在日历年年底之前.


大学 recently completed enhancements to several engineering labs include new flooring, ceilings, energy-efficient lighting, white boards and lab benches in 斯塔克学习中心. 增加了新的窗口,以增强新的可视性 flexible doors allow ease in collaborating and moving equipment between lab spaces. In addition, facade enhancements on the upper floors of the building beautified the 建筑外部采用新型节能窗户.


Since 2017, 澳门赌场在线娱乐 has completed streetscape enhancements on several blocks surrounding campus and in downtown Wilkes-Barre, reinforcing its role as a community 合作伙伴. Enhancements include new sidewalks, trees lighting, curb repairs and raised crosswalks in select areas to aid in the safety of pedestrian traffic.

In summer 2022, the next phase of the streetscape project commenced on S. 富兰克林 和W. 南街阿诺C街区. 集市中心. 此外,还有新的 在拉尔斯顿体育中心附近安装了人行道. 这个阶段开始了 将于2022年7月完工,并将于2023年夏天完工.

These projects were primarily funded by grant funding from the Transportation Alternatives Program administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. 最新的 阶段工程已基本完成.


When students returned to campus in August 2022, they were greeted by a recently enhanced 食堂. 这个项目 included a newly renovated kitchen and serving area including new grills and pizza oven, improved serving lines and a more suitable flow to complement 澳门赌场在线娱乐的用餐体验.

最后更新: 10-2022